About Plasma Print Resources™
Plasma Print Resources is dedicated to delivering a better product at a lower price. By using patented interlaced technology, PPR can provide better quality and use thinner lenses saving costs.
PPR’s principals have more issued patents in lenticular technology than the top three competitors combined. This expertise allows us to save costs and cater to our customers even for the smallest jobs. We keep our clients cost low by ganging projects of similar size and amortizing set up costs across several clients. Lenticular Optics set up costs and waste are the two largest costs in lenticular printing. While typically a paper printing project may take only a few hours of set up time, a lenticular set up can take several hours, or even a whole day on press.
PPR’s philosophy is simple. Make lenticular projects more affordable and they will deliver the results the customer is looking for in their return on investment.